Monday, November 10, 2008

Virtual Classrooms

Virtual Classrooms are a lot like regular classrooms but they are available 24 hrs a day-7 day a week. Just like a regular classroom teachers can give assignment, quizzes and surveys. Teachers can chat with students, parents and other guests. Students who take virtual classes usually study from videos and textbooks and they complete individual and group assignment. They take quizzes and submit there work electronically.

I think virtual classrooms are good for students at the high school and college level. Maybe some middle schools class too.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Video Streaming

Streaming media distribution of audio, video and multimedia on the internet. There are many advantages to streaming video/media in education. Media streaming can be used for any subject. Video is available online and can be accesses at anytime with information that is always up-to-date. Since content is available anywhere with interenet access teachers create plans from anywhere.

I think streaming video would be great for teachers and students. It would be a great way to continue a lesson after class. I also think it is a great thing because students and teachers could access it at anytime.

Friday, October 31, 2008


My article the week dicusses the uses of podcasting in school libraries or classroom. The article say there is two main reasons. 1) to retrieve information and 2) to disseminate information. Students can access podcasts from other students and create and share thier own. Podcasts could promote and share learning. The article also dicusses how to make a podcast.

I think podcast could also be used to sharing upcoming school events with students and parents. I also think it could be a great way for administrators to reach the students and share school wide information.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Multimedia animation

Multimedia uses a combination of different types of media. Usually multimedia is something that is recorded and played. Combinations can include text, audio, still images, video, and animation. Animation is defined as a sequences of images or frames that create an image like a video or film, when they are played at the correct speed. Animation can be used to show a three-dimensional structure or change over time.

I think multimedia is a great tool to be used in the classroom. Different forms of multimedia including animation could be used by both teachers and students to help the learning process.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Digital Imagery

My article this week discussed the using of digital imagery in an art classroom. But you can use digital imagery in any classroom. Wether using computers or projectors you can use images as a visual refrence to whatever you are teaching. In history or social studies you can connect students to the time and location something happened. In language arts and reading you take your students into the stories using digital imagery.

I think using digital imagery is a great idea. You can take your students out of a reading assignment and show them images that go along with it.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Storyboarding is way organizing and laying something out in sequence. This could be a great teaching tool. Students and teachers could this method to write stories. First pick the topic, then think of the " big ideas". Once you fill in the details you are ready to write. Teachers could use this method to help students who have trouble planning and writing their stories. Students could layout each step in the story before writing.

I think storyboarding is could to help students organize their thoughts and make writing easier. I think this would be great for students in elementary school but not for older grades.

Friday, September 19, 2008

What is a wiki?

What is a wiki? Well basically it is a website that can be changed and update, the one that you have probably heard of is Wikipedia. When changing a wiki the revised version become the current version. But you can track the history of the document as it is revised becuase the older versions of the document are stored.
Wikis are becoming more popular in a classroom. Students can use them to share data or research. They can also be used for students to work in groups. But they aren't only useful for students teachers can use them too. Teachers can use them to "collaboratvely author the structure and curriculum of a course."
I think I would have my students use wikis to work together for groups projects.But I don't suggest they use them as a source of research because they can be changed the facts might not be correct.

Friday, September 12, 2008

In the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards

My article this week comes from the New York Times website. The article dicusses how blogs are now beening used in several classrooms across the country. Blogs are being used by students and teacher even in classroms as young as the second grade. Blogs make it easier for teachers to interact with students and it also makes it easier for students to communicate with other students. Mrs. Dudiak, a secind grade teacher, had her students use their blogs to discuss the feild trip they had just gone on. She said that grading blogs and seeing what the students thought was much easier this way, she didn't have to sit and read a stack of trip journals.

Blogging in the classroom has some positive and negative sides though. On the positive side teacher say that student who are normally shy come to life on line, they also allow students to carry in dicusion that they may not have finished in class. Blog are also easy to maintain for teachers and students. But on the down side do blog encourage bad habits such as bad grammer and punctuation.

I think blogging in the classroom is a great idea. Blogs make it easier for students and teachers to interact. With blogs parents could also check to see what their students are learning and should be working on. Teacher could give students feedback at anytime.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field tirps are great way to escape from your classroom and nomral activity without actually leaving. You and your students can take trips to new places with out any expense. This article praises the use of virtual field trips as a new teaching tool. I have to agree that these trips could be a great new way of teaching. With virtual field trips we can avoide long bus rides. We can also find trips that are age or grade appropriate for our students. We can also visit places anywhere around the world or universe, which isnit possible with normal field trips.

The only down side I see to virtual fiels trips is that we dont give the students the break from the classroom. But i think if we were to use both virtual and normal field trips it would please both stundents and teachers.

Monday, September 1, 2008


So I'm new to the blogging world. This should be fun. : )