Saturday, September 6, 2008

Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field tirps are great way to escape from your classroom and nomral activity without actually leaving. You and your students can take trips to new places with out any expense. This article praises the use of virtual field trips as a new teaching tool. I have to agree that these trips could be a great new way of teaching. With virtual field trips we can avoide long bus rides. We can also find trips that are age or grade appropriate for our students. We can also visit places anywhere around the world or universe, which isnit possible with normal field trips.

The only down side I see to virtual fiels trips is that we dont give the students the break from the classroom. But i think if we were to use both virtual and normal field trips it would please both stundents and teachers.

1 comment:

Amanda Fessenden said...

I like the fact that you brought up the cost factor. Virtual field trips would save on money. They would also eliminate long bus rides, permission slips, extra planning, parents taking time away from work, and many more things. However, I agree with you and think that Virtual field trips should not take over all field trips. If a class has the opportunity to go and have a hands on trip they should do it. Virtual field trips should only be made when it is impossible to go visit the site.